Nicolas Humphrey 氏の主張を読む 3

A philosophical term of art may come in useful here. When people perceive, think, believe, and so on, these mental states are called “intentional states”, and whatever it is the particular state is about ― the percept, thought, belief ― is called the “intentional object”. So, with the wooden triangle, when we look at it from the special position, the triangle as we perceive it, that is to say the impossible triangle, is the “intentional object”. Meanwhile, the wooden thing we are actually looking at can be called the “real-world object”. So, now, with phenomenal consciousness, let us see if we cannot make a similar distinction. Suppose that, when we are conscious of having a sensation, when we say it is like something, this thing it is like is the “intentional object of consciousness.” Then, if this is in any way similar to the case of the triangle, there will be a corre-sponding real-world object ― presumably something going on in the brain ― which is what we are actually engaging with and commenting on (whether we realise this or not; of course we mostly do not).


このあたりの"intentional states"や"intentional object"といふ概念の使ひ方には疑問もあるが、細かな議論をすることがこの文章の主眼ではないので、立ち入らない。ただ、"real-world object"といふ新しく導入された言葉は、明らかにこちらが本物の現実だといふ先入観に基づいたものだし、意識といふ"intentional object"に対応する"real-world object"が脳の働きであるといふのは、脳の働きこそがリアルなもので意識は幻に過ぎないといふ著者の考へ方を前提とした呼び方であり、結論の先取りではないかと思ふ。例へば、赤いトマトの知覚に対応する"real-world object"は、外の世界にある赤いトマトだといふ考へ方も成り立つだらう。


In which case, there will indeed be a series of questions to ask further. 1. What exactly is the real-world brain activity that we are engaging with when we say it is like something? 2. Why does this activity have the ― tricky ― properties it has, such that our experience of it is as if of something so strangely private, not-of-this world and indescribable in common terms? 3. What makes this trick work? How is it done? 4. What is the point? Why was it designed like this? What can have been the evolutionary advantage of our having these marvellous experiences?






単なる脳の働きが主観的な、一般的な言葉で表現できない性質としてのクオリアを持つのは何故か、といふのは科学者にとつては自然な質問だ。この質問を意味のある形で議論するためには、そもそも、主観的な現象とはどのやうなものかについて、きちんとした整理が必要だと思はれる。単に「言葉にならない」と言ふだけではなく、"real-world object"とどのやうな点が異なつてゐるのかを示すべきだらう。




I believe we can already propose plausible answers to each of these questions ― although they are all quite radical. Here they are. The real-world brain activity is the activity that I have called, in my earlier writing, “sentition”.3),4) In response to sensory stimulation, we react with an evo-lutionarily ancient form of internalised bodily expression (something like an inner grimace or smile). We then experience this as sensation when we picture to ourselves ― by monitoring the command signals ― just what we are doing. Sentition has been subtly shaped in the course of evolution so as to make our picture of it have those added dimensions of phenomenality. Sentition has, in short, become what I call a “phenomenous object” ― defined as “something that when monitored by introspection seems to have phenomenal properties”. I do not pretend to know yet how this is done, or what the neural correlate of phenomenous sentition is. For what it is worth, my hunch is that re-entrant circuits in the brain are creating complex attractor states that require more than the usual four dimensions to describe them ― and that it is this that makes these “states of mind” seem to have immaterial qualities.∗)
∗) If the time course of the activity in the re-entrant circuits is described by a delay differential equation, it will typically have a hyper-dimensional attractor.






著者の主張は、かうした身体の重要性を示すものなのだが、帰還回路によつて作られるアトラクタがクオリアを生むのに十分なのかについては、大きな疑念が残る。それだけで良いのであれば、ロボットでこれを実現することは比較的容易ではないだらうか。ここには、行動の自由を増し、世の中に新しい要素を導入するやうな、機械的な理論では説明できないやうな要素が関与してゐると感じられる。さうした何かが、物の世界と意識の世界、記号と意味といつた分離を可能にするのではないだらうか。 (続く)