Nicolas Humphrey 氏の主張を読む 2

Consider what you might want to explain about the experience of looking at this object. Since it is at first sight so surprising and impressive, any one of us who did not know what was going on here might very well innocently ask the (bad) question: “How can we explain the existence of this triangle as we perceive it?” Only later ― indeed only once we have turned over the page, seen the object from a different viewpoint, and realised that the “triangle as we perceive it” is an illusion (Fig. 2) ― will it occur to us to ask the (good) question: “How can we explain the fact we have been tricked into perceiving it this way?” Now, no one wants to think that consciousness is likewise some kind of trick (in fact, as I will argue later, it is probably important that we do not do so).


ここで Humphrey 氏は、「あり得ない三角形」の例を使つて不可能な問題について解説をしてゐる。この錯覚の例は面白いが、ここでの議論には直接関係がないので、省略する。ご関心のある方は、原文に掲げられた図を参照されたい。


But let us nonetheless see where the analogy may lead. The standard philosopher's example of how hard the problem is, is the case of what it is like to see red. So, now, suppose you were to be looking at a ripe tomato: what might you want to explain about the extraordinary qualia-rich red sensation that you are having? Since the qualia are indeed so up-front and remarkable, and since no one knows what this is really about, we are all, most probably, going to start off by asking what may be a bad question: “How can we explain the existence of these qualia as we experience them?” So here again it will only be if we undergo a radical shift in perspective and realise that the “qualia as we experience them” could be a mental fantasy, that we shall move on to asking what may be the good question: “How can we explain why we have the impression that such fantastic qualia exist even if they do not?”


著者は qualia は錯覚に過ぎず、存在しない、といふ立場を表明してゐるのだが、存在するとはどういふ意味だらうか。特に欧米人が存在といふ言葉を口にするときに念頭にあるのは、(長い時間)変化することが無く、誰にでも確認することが出来、操作することが出来る物体だ。かうした考へ方に立てば、クオリアが存在しないのは確かだが、それでは人間の感情も、意識も存在しないことになる。










But, now, here is why it is likely to be so difficult to make this move: in the case of consciousness we cannot simply turn over the page to see the solution. We are all innocents, no one has ever seen qualia from a different viewpoint, we are stuck with the first-person perspective. So, the result is we persist with questing for the qualia as such. Yet if consciousness is a trick, then of course this quest is a fool's errand. It will make no more sense to try to explain the existence of qualia than it would to explain the existence of the impossible triangle. What we should be doing instead is trying to explain just how we have been set up ― and why. Well, is it a trick? The only way to find out, I would say, will be to take the idea of its being a trick quite seriously and think through what further questions would follow at a scientific level. And, though I realise I should not go overboard with the analogy, I believe the impossible triangle can continue to show the way.


著者は、クオリアが「あり得ない三角形」と同じやうに錯覚に過ぎない、といふ立場で議論を進めて行く。 (続く)