Nicolas Humphrey 氏の主張を読む 1

「知覚はどこにあるか」と題して書いてきた考へ方を元に、Nicolas Humphrey 氏が意識の問題にどう接近するかについて書いた文章"Getting the Measure of Consciousness"を批判的に読んでみよう。Nicholas Humphery 氏については、"Seeing red"といふ本の感想を以前に書いた。その結論には同意し難いが、非常に興味深い主張をしてゐる人だ。




The hard problem of consciousness is to explain the experience of qualia. But everything gets easier once we realise that what has to be explained is not how qualia can exist as objective entities but rather why the conscious subject should believe that they exist. This essay lays out a programme for doing this. It makes radical proposals as to how the “qualia illusion” is created, and why sustaining this illusion is biologically adaptive.




しかし、ここでの基本的な問題は、そもそも物質的な世界とは別に、何故幻想や錯覚が可能なのか、といふことではないだらうか。あるいは、幻想や錯覚と呼ばれるものが、その他の自然現象とどのやうな関係を持ち、どう異なつてゐるのかを、より詳細に調べることが重要ではないか。"Seeing red"では、脳内のフィードバック回路によつて時間的な厚み"temporal thickening"が生じると説かれてゐるが、さうしたフィードバック回路はあくまで物の世界で、なぜ、どのやうな場合に、そこから幻想や錯覚が生まれるのかといふ問題は残されてゐると思はれる。


No one doubts that our experience of phenomenal consciousness ― the felt redness of fire, the felt sweetness of a peach, the felt pain of a bee sting ― arises from the activity of our brains. Yet the problem of explaining how this can be so has seemed to many theorists to be staggeringly hard. How can the wine of consciousness ― the weird, ineffable, immaterial qualia that give such richness to subjective experience ― conceivably arise from the water of the brain? As Colin McGinn has put it, it is like trying to explain how you can get “numbers from biscuits, or ethics from rhubarb”.1) Jerry Fodor has recently claimed “The revisions of our concepts and theories that imagining a solution will eventually require are likely to be very deep and very unsettling. There is hardly anything that we may not have to cut loose from before the hard problem is through with us”.2)


"arises from the activity of our brains"といふ表現が気になる。かうした問題設定が解決不可能な問題を生んでゐるのではないだらうか。確かに脳は重要な働きをしてゐるが、それは現象の一部であり、脳だけからクオリアが生まれるのではない、といふ考へ方が必要だらう。元々、世界の豊かさといふ私達の外にあるものを、中から出たものとして説明しようとするから無理が生じるのだ。




If you smell theoretical panic, you would be right. But are the scientific an-swers really so far out of reach? Have people been beguiled by the truly marvellous properties of consciousness into asking for the moon, while what is at issue is really much more down to earth? Everybody says they are waiting for the Big Idea. But perhaps the big idea should be that consciousness, which is of such significance to us subjectively, is scientifically not such a big deal at all (though, as you will see, I think there would have to be several subsidiary big ideas contained within this). It all depends on asking the right questions at the outset. Let me show the difference between good questions and bad ones in this context, with a familiar example. The picture below (Fig. 1) shows a solid wooden version of the so-called impossible triangle.


質問の仕方が大事だ、といふのは、そのとほりだが。  (続く)