William James "Human Immortality"

William James "Human Immortality"を読む。"The Will To Believe"といふ本を買つたら、後ろについてゐた著作なのだが、George Goldthmait Ingersoll といふ人の遺言に基づいて作られた The Ingersoll Lectureship on the Immortality of Man といふ名のハーバード大学の寄付講座で、ジェームズが行つた講演をまとめたものである。two supposed objections to the doctrine といふ副題がついてをり、魂の不滅といふ考へ方を否定する二つの論拠について、反論を試みたものだ。


第一の論拠は、我々の精神生活が脳に全面的に依存してゐるといふ事実である。これに対してジェームズは、思考は脳の機能であるとしても、「蒸気がヤカンの機能である」といふやうな productive function の関係にあるとは限らず、洋弓の引き金が持つやうな permissive funcution や、プリズムが光の姿を変へるやうな transmissive function があり、production function の立場では、脳が消えれば精神も消えるが、それ以外の立場では、必ずしもさうはならないと主張してゐる。これは、ベルクソンの有名な釘とこれに掛けた着物の比喩と同種の議論である。


ジェームズは、transmissive function の立場で、以下のやうな議論を展開する。(p.15-)


Suppose, for example, that the whole universe of material things -- the furniture of earth and choir of heaven --- should turn out to be a mere surface-veil of phenomena, hiding and keeping back the world of genuine realities. Such a supposition is foreign neither to common sense nor to philosophy. Common sense believes in realities behind the veil even too superstitiously ; and idealistic philosophy declares the whole world of natural experience, as we get it, to be but a time-mask, shattering or refracting the one infinite Thought which is the sole reality into those millions of finite streams of consciousness known to us as our private selves.

"Life, like a dome of many-colored glass,
Stains the white radiance of eternity."

Suppose, now, that this were really so, and suppose, moreover, that the dome, opaque enough at all times to the full super-solar blaze, could at certain times and places grow less so, and let certain beams pierce through into this sublunary world. These beams would be so many finite rays, so to speak, of consciousness, and they should vary in quantity and quality as the opacity varied in degree. (中略)

Admit now that our brains are such thin and half-transparent places in the veil. What will happen?
かうした前提に立てば、精神の在り様は脳に依存するが、脳が消えても、それを通して見えてゐた真実在は存続する、といふのである。なほ、文中に引用されてゐるのは、Percy Bysshe Shelley といふ詩人の詩らしい。




Our christian ancestors dealt with the problem more easily than we do. We, indeed, lack sympathy ; but they had a positive antipathy for these alien human creatures, and they naïvely supposed that the Deity to have the antipathy, too. Being, as they were, 'heathen,' our forefathers felt a certain sort of joy in thinking that their Creator made them as so much mere fuel for the fires of hell. Our culture has humanized us beyond that point, but we cannot yet conceive them as our comrades in the heaven. We have, as the phrase goes, no use for them, and it oppresses us to think of their survival. Take, for instance, all the Chinamen. Which of you here, my friends, sees any fitness in their eternal perpetuation unreduced in numbers? Surely not one of you. At most, you might deem it well to keep a few chosen specimens alive to represent an interesting and peculiar variety of humanity ; but as for the rest, what comes in such surpassing numbers, and what you can only imagine in this abstract summary collective manner, must be something of which the units, you are sure, can have no individual preciousness. God himself, you think, can have no use for them

